
The Complicated Connection Between Money and Mental Wellbeing

The bond between money and mental health is profound and complex. While financial instability can lead to a host of mental strains, excessive wealth comes with its own set of challenges.

April 10, 2024

Money – it's the premise of countless societal norms, the pursuit of many, and the crux of the trade that fuels our daily lives. But what about its relationship to our mental wellbeing? There's an intricate, sometimes complicated dance between personal finances and our state of mind. With the growing discourse on holistic health, it's high time we explore this correlation. This blog post aims to illuminate various facets of how our financial standing influences our mental health and ways to find balance.

The Malleability of the Mind Under Monetary Strain

The Psychology of Scarcity

Economic stress isn't just about numbers; it's about the psychological weight they bear. Studies have consistently shown that financial instability can lead to a persistent state of 'scarcity mentality', where individuals become hyper-focused on immediate, overwhelming needs, often at the detriment of long-term decisions and mental bandwidth. This limited cognitive function, termed by some as 'bandwidth tax', can be as drastic as a 13-point reduction in IQ, akin to pulling an all-nighter or lacking food.

"Money Buys Happiness" – Does it Really?

Conventional wisdom preaches that more money equals more happiness. The reality, however, suggests a 'satiation point', beyond which increased wealth has a diminishing return on happiness. It's the gap between expectations and reality that seems to be the true demon, as we tend to adjust our expectations upward with every financial stride, leaving contentment a step behind.

Financial Freedom as a Pillar of Positive Mental Health

Long-term Security and Peace of Mind

Having savings and a secure financial future acts as a psychological buffer against the unexpected. It fosters a sense of security that's vital in maintaining mental wellness. This doesn't mean you need to be a millionaire but having a cushion can nip the stress of unforeseen expenditures in the bud, allowing for a more relaxed mindset overall.

The Empowerment of Earned Success

Psychologist Martin Seligman introduced the concept of 'earned success', where the ability to control one's life and destiny is achieved through effort and resilience. Acquiring financial stability and success through work can lead to a sense of accomplishment and heightened self-worth, integral components of a healthy mental state.

The Shadow of Excessive Wealth – Strains and Dilemmas

The Evils of Affluenza

The tale of financial distress is often overshadowed by the stresses of excessive wealth. 'Affluenza'—a portmanteau of 'affluence' and 'influenza'—refers to the emotional and psychological costs of materialism and wealth. It's a condition marked by feelings of dissatisfaction, emotional disturbances, and a lack of empathy, often associated with the very rich. The narrative of the tormented millionaire or the troubled celebrity might have some weight after all.

The Pressure to Sustain Status

Higher income brackets come with higher stakes – not just financially, but socially. The fear of losing social standing, the pressure to keep up appearances, and the very real risk of isolation despite one's enviable circumstances are all aspects of the mental toll that high net worth individuals face.

Combating Financial Stress – Tools and Tactics for Mental Resilience

#1 – Financial Literacy

Understanding personal finance is the foundation for building a less stress-filled financial existence. Knowing how to budget, invest, and save not only prevents monetary mishaps but also imbues an individual with a sense of control over their economic life.

#2 – Mindful Spending

Adopting a more conscious approach to spending can be transformational for both the wallet and the mind. 'Mindful spending' involves considering the value a purchase adds to your life, not simply the gratification of acquisition. Aligning purchases with personal values and long-term goals can lead to a more fulfilling life without the shackles of materialistic yearning.

#3 – Seeking Help

Therapists and financial advisors serve similar roles in different domains—offering guidance and solutions to life's challenges. Professional assistance for mental health or financial planning should be destigmatized and considered just as important as any other medical check-up.

The Balancing Act – Integrating Wealth and Wellbeing

Shifting Societal Values

In order to foster a society that prioritizes mental wellbeing over material wealth, we must encourage shifts in values. This can include personal development, relationships, and other non-economic metrics for success. The growing trends towards remote work, flexible hours, and holistic benefits packages reveal a burgeoning sentiment that life is more than a paycheck.

Collective and Individual Affirmations

Both collective and individual affirmations are potent tools in achieving this balance. From public campaigns advocating for mental health awareness to individual practices such as gratitude journaling and setting personal financial goals, these small acts reinforce the larger understanding that happiness and success are multi-dimensional.

The Future Role of Money in Mental Health

Innovative Approaches

The digital age is ripe with innovative solutions for mental health and finance. Whether it's the gamification of savings or investment apps that help demystify stock markets, technology is rapidly transforming how individuals engage with their economic and mental states.

Policy Reforms

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, policy reforms can significantly alter the landscape of money and mental health. From mental health parity in insurance coverage to income redistribution strategies, there's a myriad of ways that the powers that be can architect a system that's more supportive of overall mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, the bond between money and mental health is profound and complex. While financial instability can lead to a host of mental strains, excessive wealth comes with its own set of challenges. With a focus on financial literacy, mindful spending, and attitudinal shifts, it's possible to find a more harmonious relationship between economic status and mental health. As we move forward, it's crucial to explore these dynamics with empathy and an eye towards holistic health.


January 24, 2024

A conglomerate of scientists, doctors, and health experts doing breakthrough research in the wellness space